Tijdens de conferentie ‘Securing Public Values Online’ op 15 mei 2023 in Brussel spraken staatssecretaris Van Huffelen en diverse deskundigen over de rol van de overheid, toezichthouders en online platforms bij het beschermen van publieke waarden op grote platformen.
Bekijk de video’s van de opening door staatssecretaris Alexandra van Huffelen, de keynotes en paneldiscussies.
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels.
Logo Dutch government.
On-screen text: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Conference: Securing Public Values Online. Opening event: Shai Guttman, former EP-Policy advisor on GDPR, journalist and advisor on privacy and cyber security. Organised by the Dutch Ministry of the Inferior and Kingdom Relations ©2023.
Opening event by Shai Guttman.
Opening Alexandra van Huffelen
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels.
Logo Dutch government.
On-screen text: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Conference Securing Public Values Online. Opening speech Alexandra van Huffelen, Dutch Minister of Digitalisation. Organised by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations ©2023.
Opening speech by Alexandra van Huffelen.
Keynote 1
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels.
Logo Dutch government
On-screen text: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Conference Securing public values online. Key note: Prof. dr. Tamar Sharon, Member European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) - Professor of Philosophy, Digitalisation & Society - Radboud University. Organised by the Dutch ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations ©2023.
Keynote by Prof. dr. Tamar Sharon on digital society, democracy, online platforms and sphere transgressions.
Keynote 2
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels.
Logo Dutch government.
On-screen text: Conference Securing public values online. Key note: Sjoera Nas, Privacy Company. Organised by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations ©2023.
Brief content on the overall picture, need, and legal and ethical risks that result from various DPIAs and HRIA conducted by the Netherlands on large platforms.
Paneldiscussie 1
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels.
Logo Dutch government.
On-screen text: Securing public values online. Panel discussion 1: Bottlenecks and legal issues. Graça Costa, European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), Supervision & Enforcement; Sjoera Nas, Privacy Company, privacy and data protection expert, conductor of several DPIAs and HRIA on very large platforms; Estelle Massé, Acces Now - Europe Legislative Manager and Global Data Protection Lead. Organised by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations ©2023.
Panel discussion on the legal aspects of securing public values with governments and online platforms. Panelists discuss on the role of governments, platforms and regulators in the legal discussion. What are the possibilities for addressing legal bottlenecks? And what are the responsibilities regarding the degree of protecting the rights of data subjects. Also, with the Digital Services Act (DSA) in sight, how do we see the future?
Paneldiscussie 2
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels
Logo Dutch government.
On-screen text: Conference Securing public values online. Panel discussion 2: Discussing ethics: role of governments as digital society. Prof. dr. Tamar Sharon, Member European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) - Professor of Philosophy, Digitalisation & Society - Radboud University; Menno Cox, EC DG Connect - Head of Sector for the global aspects of digital services and platforms; Lorelien Hoet, Microsoft Government Affairs Director AI. Organised by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations ©2023.
Panel discussion on the ethics dependencies between very large platforms and governments. A discussion on the roles of governments (such as procuring, framing, standard-setting and communication) and combining these. What is the impact on human rights of EU-citizens and which public values play a role? How can a government and Europe secure these in their choices? But even more important, what is the role of platforms in this, and what is the effect of DSA?
Location: Solvay Library, Brussels.
Logo Dutch Government.
On-screen text: Conference Securing Public Values Online. Closing words, Alexandra van Huffelen, Dutch Minister of Digitalisation. Organised by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.